Spread awareness about the importance of healthy living, optimal nutrition, hearing wellness, and mental balance among musicians, an often neglected community in the healthcare sphere. 


Musicians live and work in a tough industry with lots of traveling, poor eating habits, poor or non-existent sleep, late nights, lack of sunlight, and more time indoors or in a van driving from one stop to the next. 

I struggled myself as a touring musician. When I was younger, I could get away with more inconsistencies and bad habits. As I got older, my bad habits took a toll on my body, and my mind, my habits, and eventually my creativity suffered as a result of it.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs states that creative output decreases when you don’t first satisfy your basic health needs. Luckily, there are a few tweaks that even the hardest-touring musician could incorporate that could help boost creativity, energy level and mood, and improve their overall health so they can do what they love longer.

I’ve been on a personal health journey for several years now, and I want to share some of my experience with the musician community, too — totally free, no sales pitches, no BS — through my website. I don’t consider myself an expert, just someone who has made some major life changes and experienced the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. 

I started this campaign in the hopes that this information could help someone like me consider the short-term decisions that impact their long-term health, lifestyle, and goals, leading to a longer and more fulfilling career in music.


  • Provide information and support for musicians and other artists by sharing healthy living insights that they can use to kickstart their own research and healthy-living journey

  • Build a healthier community centered on wellness in the arts and destigmatize the concept of healthier lifestyles in the music industry

  • Develop greater awareness of lifestyle changes that can be easily implemented, yet make an exponential difference over a long period of time

  • Start conversations around positive changes to overall health, lifestyle, and mental wellbeing for those in the music industry